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    70 Year Celebration of the Bakrie Group

    A number of musicians performing cheer in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Bakrie Group, entitled 'One Million Children Work State' in the Eyes of the Eagle International Stadium (Meis), Ancol, Saturday (11/24/2012). Theatrical concert enlivened by the appearance of Titi DJ, Vina Panduwinata, Mulan Jameela, Vidi Aldiano, Ebiet G Ade, Lea Simanjuntak, Box, Judika, Harvey Malaiholo, Nizam, Meisya Siregar, Ibn Jamil, Irang, Iyeth Bustami, Ridho rhythm, Tata Janeta, All Indonesian Rock Star, Alika, Edo Kondologit, and Milane. Photo: VIVAnews / Muhammad Solihin

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